Notes for reading papers related to Hou Xue and Zhang.



Notes for reading papers

Replicating Anomalies


  • Most anomalies fail to hold up to currently acceptable standards for empirical finance.With microcaps mitigated via NYSE breakpoints and value-weighted returns, 65% of the 452 anomalies in our extensive data library, including 96% of the trading frictions category, cannot clear the single test hurdle of the absolute t-value of 1.96. Imposing the higher multiple test hurdle of 2.78 at the 5% significance level raises the failure rate to 82%. Even for replicated anomalies, their economic magnitudes are much smaller than originally reported. In all, capital markets are more efficient than previously recognized. (大多数反常现象都达不到目前可接受的经验金融标准。 通过纽约证券交易所的断点和价值加权回报缓解了微小企业, 我们广泛的数据库中的452个异常中有65%,包括96%的交易摩擦类别, 无法清除绝对t值为1.96的单一测试障碍。在5%显著性水平下施加更高的多重测试障碍2.78, 将失败率提高到82%。即使是重复的异象,它们的经济规模也比最初报告的要小得多。 总的来说,资本市场的效率比以前公认的要高。)
  • Our key finding is that most anomalies fail to replicate, falling short of currently acceptable standards for empirical finance. (我们的主要发现是,大多数异常现象都无法复制,没有达到目前可接受的经验金融标准)

Which Factors?


  • Many recently proposed, seemingly different factor models are closely related. In spanning tests, the q-factor model largely subsumes the Fama–French five- and six-factor models, and the q5 model subsumes the Stambaugh–Yuan four-factor model. Their “mispricing” factors are sensitive to the construction procedure, and once replicated via the traditional approach, are close to the q-factors, with correlations of 0.8 and 0.84. Finally, consistent with the investment CAPM, valuation theory predicts a positive relation between the expected investment and the expected return. (许多最近提出的似乎不同的因素模型密切相关。 In spanning tests,q-factor 模型主要包括Fama–French五因子和六因子模型, q5模型包括Stambaugh–Yuan四因子模型。它们的“错误定价”因素对 construction procedure 很敏感, 一旦通过传统方法复制,就接近q-factor model,相关系数为0.8和0.84。 最后,与投资CAPM一致,估值理论预测预期投资和预期回报之间存在正相关。)
  • Fama and French (2018) further incorporate the momentum factor, UMD, from Jegadeesh and Titman (1993), into their five-factor model to form a six-factor model .
  • Hou 等 (2019)美股市场 不能够被传统定价因子所解释的 452个超额收益异象按照其构建原理在中国A股市场用全样本进行复现, 经过实证检验发现中国沪深股票市场存在426个股票价格收益异象, 将 t 的阈值控制在1.96 时,依然存在98个超额收益异象在5%水平显著, 同时指出收益异象可以按照基于个股收益率构建的多空投资组合获得稳健正向收益时间的续存期, 分为长期收益异象(一般3-5年)和短期收益异象(不满1年)。 (该段话来自于 长短时间期限行为因子的定价效率研究—— 来自中国A股市场的证据 )。 值得注意的是: 这段话似乎是有问题的,没有发现 [Hou Xue Zhang (2019)]( 在 A 股上的实证结果 经过查文献发现, 这段话指的是这篇文献Finding Anomalies in China, KeWen Hou, Fang Qiao, Xiaoyuan Zhang (2021)这篇文献 Replicating Anomalies in China,Fang Qiao (2021).

An Augmented q-Factor Model with Expected Growth (2021)


