Reading - Finance Papers


Daily reading lists:

Stock return prediction, Stacking a variety of models

  • 将机器学习中的 stacking 算法用于股权溢价交易,
  • 通过一组底层模型来训练一个高层模型,即元模型,从而产生更精细化的预测。

EPU spillovers and stock return predictability: A cross-country study

  • 本文考察了经济政策不确定性(EPU)的传递(即EPU溢出效应) 在多大程度上推动了全球股市的收益(因此可以预测)。
  • 文章亮点:
    • 应用高维 factor-copula model 来估计 EPU spillovers (EPU 溢出效应) as expected probability in distress (EPD) (作为预期陷入困境的概率).
    • 本文研究了 EPU 溢出效应对全球 23 个市场的股票收益的影响。
    • This paper finds EPD significantly and negatively predicts country-level returns in global markets. (本文发现 EPD 显着地负面预测了全球市场的国家级回报)。
    • Return predictability through the spillover channel is highly significant and dominates that through the domestic channel. (通过溢出渠道的回报可预测性非常重要,并且在国内渠道中占主导地位。)
    • The results are robust to various model specifications and alternative measures of EPU spillovers. (结果对各种模型规范和 EPU 溢出的替代措施是稳健的。)